Have you tried this same practice with full body poses? I am interested in the same process but for full bodies as well. I want to try this because I think when I draw from reference it seems to be much more realistic and harder for me to simplify and stylize but I like this idea of doing other iterations no longer looking at the reference, I see how your style comes through!

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Yes! You can absolutely do it with full body poses. It's been a minute since I've specifically focused on full body poses with this exercise (I'll often just pick a reference photo that resonates with me somehow that day, and it's sometimes full body, sometimes not), but I'll do a few full body ones and take notes to see what comes up and share anything helpful! I think that actually could be a great way to give even more room for finding and honing "style"--the things you can't help but do--if you're creating more of a whole character and even scene from memory and forcing yourself to fill in the gaps. I'm excited to give that another go, thanks for suggesting it!!

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My pleasure! Excited to see your results!

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